7 daily habits to improve kidney’s function and avoid Dialysis
A small member size of a fist, is the silent hero in your body. What have you done today from everyday habits to preserve it?,7 daily habits to Improve Kidney’s Function
Kidneys are the silent hero of the human body. Perhaps this label is because kidneys are one of the main drivers that play an essential role in many vital processes within the human body, such as purifying blood, expelling toxins outside the body, and adjusting fluids by maintaining the balance of water and salts.
The kidney also regulates blood pressure by regulating sodium levels and the release of vital hormones; also responsible for the production of red blood cells through the secretion of the hormone erythropoietin.
The kidneys are not only a blood refinery but also an unknown soldier in the human body. Dialeys Care Center takes you on an exploratory journey to learn about 7 daily habits that help protect easy-to-apply kidney health, what habits will you follow to keep kidneys healthy in order to prevent kidney disease and what are the 7 daily habits to improve kidney’s function and avoid Dialysis as well as because you always deserve the best.
Prepare for this fun trip with a group of the best-trusted expert doctors at Dialeys Care Center.
1st Habit: Drinking sufficient quantities of water:
Dialeys Care Center recommends drinking enough water. One of the top 7 daily habits to improve kidney’s function and avoid Dialysis to protect kidney health. It also works to improve kidney function in general and prevent subsequent kidney disease. It helps the kidney detox, which enhances the disposal of waste.
Drinking water in small quantities leads to the accumulation of toxins within the human body and then the formation of stones in the kidneys, to God’s appreciation. Dialeys Care Center cautions against drinking water in sufficient quantities, so you have to:
- Carry a bottle of water continuously to remember to drink water during the day.
- Add some slices of lemon, cucumber, or grainy fruit to add a grainy taste of water if you have difficulty drinking it.
- For a healthy body and to improve the vital processes within your body in general, drink a glass of water before eating meals, which also improves digestion and increases the feeling of fullness.
2nd Habit: Eating foods beneficial for kidney health:
What food helps repair kidneys? A healthy and balanced diet is one of the top 7 daily habits to improve kidney’s function and avoid Dialysis that must be followed as eating foods beneficial to kidney health relieves the burden on them and is perhaps one of the essential services offered by Dialeys Care Center is the development of diets to be followed by the most efficient doctors in the field of nutrition, Dialeys Care Center recommends a range of valuable foods and a range of foods to stay away from as much as possible:
● Useful foods: What Food helps repair kidneys?
- Berries: They are a fruit species rich in antioxidants.
- Apples: One of the fruits that helps reduce cholesterol.
- Cauliflower and broccoli: low potassium and help protect kidney health.
- Vegetables and fruits in general because they are rich in vitamins and minerals that are important to the human body in general.
● Foods to avoid for kidney health:
o Salty foods:
Excessive salt increases the burden on kidney function due to high blood pressure because excess salt and sugar are white toxins that should be reduced as gradually as possible.
o Processed foods:
Processed foods such as processed meat, fast food, and packaging pose a significant threat to kidney health because of their large amounts of sodium (salt), sugars, unhealthy saturated fats, preservatives, and toxic chemical compounds.
All these substances cause fluid retention within the human body, resulting in high blood pressure and thus adversely affecting kidney health.
o Soda:
One of the most essential 7 daily habits to improve kidney’s function and avoid Dialysis is to avoid soda and not just reduce them. Despite the prevalence of soda, they are very harmful due to their large quantities of sugars and phosphoric acid, which in turn leads to high levels of calcium deposited, resulting in a high rate of formation of stones in the kidneys. It also disrupts the fluid balance in the blood as a result of its high caffeine content, resulting in the body’s loss of fluids and, thus, dehydration.
So, what is the best drink for kidney repair? Dialeys Care Center recommends replacing soda with flavored water by some fruit slices, fresh, unsolved juices, or green tea in order to prevent kidney disease.
3rd Habit: The importance and impact of sport on kidney health:
The effect of sport on kidney health is very significant as sport helps the blood flow to the kidney, which helps the kidney to perform its work more efficiently, also helps to reduce the feeling of stress and improve blood pressure, thus improving the overall function of the kidney. One of the best exercises for kidney health recommended by Dialeys Care Center that can be done simplified and get excellent results is:
● Fast Walk:
Fast walking is one of the easiest 7 daily habits to improve kidney’s function and avoid Dialysis. Fast walking helps improve blood circulation, regulates weight by burning calories, and prevents the appearance of obesity, leading to better blood flow and detoxification, so Dialey’s Care Center is advised to walk for 20 minutes a day and increase it gradually. Choosing quiet, lovely places to promote relaxation and psychological comfort.
● Swimming Practice:
Being in the water promotes relaxation and psychological comfort, lowering stress, reducing fluid retention in the blood, improving kidney function and heart function as well.
● Exercise yoga:
Doing yoga exercises works to manage stress through breathing and meditation exercises and reduces internal pressure, which leads to the activation of blood circulation and the prevention of kidney disease. There are also certain conditions, such as a child’s position, that promote gastrointestinal health, thereby reducing the burden on the kidneys to detox.
4th Habit: Avoid smoking and alcohol:
One of the 7 daily habits to improve kidney’s function and avoid Dialysis is to avoid smoking and alcohol altogether. Smoking causes increased tension and toxicity in the human body. It causes narrowing of blood vessels, resulting in increased blood pressure and damage to small blood vessels.
Alcohol also causes disturbances in the level of potassium, calcium, and magnesium in the blood, which leads to high blood pressure and an increased risk of kidney failure, as well as an increase in diuretics and excess fluid loss, which leads to dehydration. All these damages negatively affect the functioning of the kidney function and increase the burden on it.
Dialeys Care Center is therefore advised to:
● Request medical support:
You can request medical support from Dialeys Care Center for its competent doctors at the highest level for a dedicated treatment program.
● Looking for healthy alternatives:
Sports or reading are healthy alternatives to quitting smoking and alcohol.
● Communicate with support groups:
You can request psychological support from Dialeys Care Center for its distinctive psychological support service with a social worker. You can also join smoking or alcohol cessation groups that contribute to the provision of psychological support.
● Graduation stops:
Try to gradually reduce the quantity if you have difficulty taking off at once.
5th Habit: Enough sleep is one of the best habits to maintain the kidneys:
Adequate sleep is one of the 7 daily habits to improve kidney’s function and avoid Dialysis to be followed as sleep for a sufficient number of hours is not a well-being but a vital necessity for the human body. Continuous sleep for an adequate number of hours helps reduce the hormone cortisol that adversely affects kidney function. Proper sleep contributes to improving the mechanism of detoxification, regulating potassium and sodium rates within the human body.
Continuous adequate sleep also helps reduce fluid retention in the blood that leads to the formation of stones, and is very important for the immune system that allows the body to resist infections affecting the kidneys.
Dialeys Care Center is therefore advised to:
● Keeping the number of regular hours to sleep:
It is preferable to go to sleep and wake up at the same time, and maintaining the number of regular hours helps in the regularization of the hormone cortisol, which in turn affects the level of stress and thus the level of efficiency of kidney function.
● Sleeping in a relaxed, quiet place:
Making the place of sleep comfortable, with low light and cold temperature, helps a lot to get a calm sleep and enough hours.
● Staying away from caffeine and heavy meals before bedtime:
Staying away from caffeine and unhealthy fat is one of the more than 7 daily habits that help protect kidney health as they lead to a burden of gastrointestinal work, which affects the quality and efficiency of sleep hours.
● Practice relaxation techniques, such as meditation or reading before bedtime.
● Keep away from screens:
Blue light from phones or TV may hinder the production of melatonin hormone, which is responsible for sleep.
6th Habit: Periodic kidney tests for kidney disease and their importance:
Early kidney screening is essential for the prevention of kidney disease and is one of the 7 daily habits to improve kidney’s function and avoid Dialysis. These tests are considered the key to the safety and assurance of kidney health because these tests for kidney disease, they are checked for blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.
This is why Dialeys Care Center offers a comprehensive, integrated service from the latest (OL HDF (5008CorDIAX)) blood purifiers to follow-up procedures and thorough medical examinations with the group of best-experienced doctors.
Repeated detection reduces the incidence of kidney failure disease and facilitates the process of folding.
7th Habit: Take medications with caution:
Kidneys disinfect blood from various types of toxins and excrement, including drug products. Therefore, unconscious medication or misuse of medicines and therapeutic compounds may pose a threat to kidney performance. Medications taken at the wrong doses or for prolonged periods may result in progressive kidney damage, sometimes causing kidney failure.
Dialeys Care Center is therefore advised to:
● Reduce pain medication:
Reduce pain medication such as ibuprofen, which causes damage to kidney health due to reduced blood flow.
● Reduce antibiotics:
Reduce antibiotics because some species, such as aminoglycosides, may cause kidney poisoning if taken without medical supervision.
● Do not take blood pressure medication and diuretics without the supervision of a doctor.
● Do not take herbal medicines and supplements:
Some of which contain substances that may be toxic to the kidneys or increase their burden, so they must be taken under medical supervision and obtain the license of the Ministry of Health.
Daily habits play an essential role in preventing kidney disease, so make sure to follow 7 daily habits to improve kidney’s function and avoid Dialysis. From regular drinking of water, a balanced diet, exercise, and adequate sleep, and do not forget the importance of periodic tests for kidney disease to ensure the integrity of kidney function at Dialeys Care Center.
Please feel free to contact us. Book your appointment now at 0138508557